Sunday, March 8, 2015

Knee Sock Love

Hello Style Minds!

So the weather is finally starting to warm up a bit. I’m happy but at the same time I’m sad. I’m one of those rare people who actually enjoy the colder seasons more. But what I love about the warmer seasons is being able to wear shorts!! Now instead of doing themed post, I’ll be posting more just normal outfit of the day posts. And don’t worry, my first DIY post will be coming up sometime soon!!

Cardigan: Old Navy
Top: H&M
Shorts:  Charlotte Russe
Sheer Tights: Walmart
Socks: Charlotte Russe
Shoes: Charlotte Russe
Necklace: Forever 21

Now this outfit definitely portrays my usual style. Each piece I’m wearing is a favorite of mine. I absolutely LOVE knee high socks. I just think they make a cute simple touch to any outfit and I’m hoping to get even more. Since, it was still not too hot I layered a pair of sheer tights underneath. I love the look of knee highs and sheer tights, it just gives off this different vibe wearing them both together.  I also wore my one and only pair of high waisted shorts, they were perfect to wear when wearing anything knee or thigh length whether it’s boots or socks. Then on the top I wore one of my favorite go-to graphic tops and my trusty oversized cardigan. And of course you can never go wrong with wearing combat boots. They’re comfortable to walk in and gives that edge you need in an outfit! 

As you can tell, I love dressing in a comfortable but still stylish.

Until the next chapter!



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